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Monday 21 February 2011

The Yellow Bottle

Here's my latest painting *The Yellow Bottle* all ready for the framers. It's so gratifying to have finished another painting that I feel happy with. It measures 25x17", a bit bigger than my usual size but thought it would get me used to a larger format and with the huge canvas that I do find a bit overwhelming! I suppose it's good practice to push my boundaries.


  1. You have got the colour balance just right; perfect!
    You can see the transluscence of glass, just spot on.
    They are glass objects with fruit made in a tartan silk...very delicate and beautiful.

    It is like looking at bottles within bottles.

    I love it and I don't normally go for yellow.

    Wish you so much luck with will sell in a heart beat!!!!!!!!!!
    Sue xx

    I was just wondering how you would frame it...does it need a frame, (looks great just the way it is)?

  2. Thank you, Sue, for your very kind words. It's painted on paper, that's why it'll need a frame and I must remember to ask for non-reflexive glass this time!!

    Your comment about the tartan made me smile!!
